Long-lasting and clinically proven solutions for bladder and bowel control

Axonics aspires to be the global leader in incontinence therapies by providing customer-centric solutions to improve the quality of life for patients suffering from urinary and bowel dysfunction.

OAB, FI, SUI solutions with Axonics SNM and Bulkamid
Axonics SNM

Axonics SNM offers a long-lasting therapy option that is easy-to-use and clinically proven to help people regain bladder and bowel control.1

AxonicsR15® Device AxonicsR15® Logo

Axonics SNM for bowel control

AxonicsR20® Device AxonicsR20® Logo

Axonics SNM for bladder control


The Bulkamid Advantage

Unique Composition

Homogenous hydrogel consisting of 97.5% water and 2.5% cross-linked polyacrylamide2.

Precision Delivery System

Allows for reproducible placement of the Bulkamid cushions under direct vision.

Efficacious, Durable, Safe

92% of women report being cured or improved at 12 months2, with durability demonstrated at seven years3 and no serious adverse events4.


  1. Pezzella A, McCrery R, Lane F, et al. Two-year outcomes of the ARTISAN-SNM study for the treatment of urinary urgency incontinence using the Axonics rechargeable sacral neuromodulation system [published online ahead of print, 2021 Jan 28]. Neurourol Urodyn. 2021;10.1002/nau.24615. doi:10.1002/nau.24615
  2. Brosche T, et al. Seven-year efficacy and safety outcomes of Bulkamid for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. Journal of Neurology and Urodynamics. 2021
  3. Dwyer et al., “Voice your choice”: A study of women’s choice of surgery for primary stress urinary incontinence. International Urogynecology Journal (2020) 31:769-777
  4. Itkonen Freitas et al. Tension free vaginal tape vs polyacrylamide hydrogel injection for primary stress urinary incontinence: a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Urology 2020
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6827 AT Arnhem The Netherlands


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